Find out the hidden truth of Christmas
‘In those days and at that time I cause a Branch of righteousness to spring forth for Dawid. And He shall do right-ruling and righteousness in the earth. ‘In those days Yehudah shall be saved, and Yerushalayim dwell in safety. And this is that which shall be proclaimed to her: ‘יהוה our Righteousness.’ Jeremiah 33:15-16
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Hebrew vs. Gregorian calendar
"What is the difference between the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars?
Hebrew calendar was used in Israel in Bible times, and is still used by
Jews for religious purposes. It is based on 12 lunar months (354 days)
but with an additional month added every few years (7 times every 19
years) to keep the calendar in line with the solar year (365 days).
Originally the months began with the observation of a new crescent moon,
but over time this was replaced by mathematical rules.
Israel had two years, a civil year and a religious year (just as we have both a calendar year and a financial year). The civil year started in the month Ethanim (corresponding to our September/October) with the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles. The religious year started six months later with the month Abib (also called Nisan) and included the Feasts of Passover, Unleavened bread and Firstfruits. The other major feast was Harvest (also called Pentecost), 50 days after Passover."
By Rob J Hyndman
"The Gregorian calendar
The Gregorian calendar is the one used in the western world today.
Calendar features
The calendar is strictly a solar calendar based on a 365-day common year divided into 12 months of irregular lengths. Each month consists of either 30 or 31 days with 1 month consisting of 28 days during the common year. A Leap Year usually occurs every 4 years which adds an extra day to make the second month of February 29 days long rather than 28 days.Realigned with the equinox
The Gregorian calendar reformed the Julian calendar because the Julian calendar introduced an error of 1 day every 128 years. The introduction of the Gregorian calendar allowed for the realignment with the equinox, however a number of days had to be dropped when the change was made.The Gregorian calendar was first adopted in Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain in 1582. The Gregorian reform consisted of the following changes:
- 10 days were dropped in October 1582.
- New rules were set to determine the date of Easter.
- The rule for calculating Leap Years was changed to include that a year is a Leap Year if:
- The year is evenly divisible by 4;
- If the year can be evenly divided by 100, it is NOT a leap year, unless;
- The year is also evenly divisible by 400. Then it is a leap year.
The Julian calendar is currently (between the years 1901 and 2099) 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar because too many Leap Years were added. The Gregorian calendar is off by about 1 day every 3236 years.
Switching to the Gregorian calendar
The Gregorian calendar would not be adopted until much later in Great Britain and America. It wasn’t until September 1752 that 11 days were dropped to switch to the Gregorian calendar.Sweden and Finland had a "double" Leap Year in 1712. Two days were added to February – creating a date of February 30, 1712. This was done because the Leap Year in 1700 was dropped and Sweden's calendar was not synchronized with any other calendar. By adding an extra day in 1712, they were back on the Julian calendar.
Japan replaced its lunisolar calendar with the Gregorian calendar in January 1873, but decided to use the numbered months it had originally used rather than the European names. The Republic of China originally adopted the Gregorian calendar in January 1912, but it wasn’t used in China due to warlords using different calendars. However, the Nationalist Government formally decreed the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in China in January 1929.
Who designed the Gregorian calendar?
Although the Gregorian calendar is named after Pope Gregory XIII, it is an adaptation of a calendar designed by Italian doctor, astronomer and philosopher Luigi Lilio (also known as Aloysius Lilius). He was born around 1510 and died in 1576, six years before his calendar was officially introduced."
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
A Joke Made in Heaven
A young unmarried chassid named Meir spent the festivals in the court of
his Rebbe, Rabbi Dov Ber, the "Maggid" of Mezeritch. When it
was time to take leave and he was admitted to the Rebbe's room, he
complained about the difficulties he was having finding a wife. Because
of his poverty, no one would offer him a match.
"Go in peace," said the Rebbe. "Accept the first marriage proposition that is suggested to you."
On his way home the young man spent the night in a village inn, where he found a group of empty-headed loafers wasting their time in drinking and foolish jesting. Being cold from his journey, he found a seat in a corner next to the stove. He tried to be unobtrusive, but the mischief-makers spotted him, and asked him where he was from and what was his business. He gave them the name of his home town, and told them that he had just visited the Maggid of Mezritch.
"What did you want from the Rebbe, and what did he answer you?" they pried.
He told them: "I asked the Rebbe to pray that the Almighty arrange that I meet my destined marriage partner, and he told me that I should agree to the first match that was proposed to me."
At this, one of the party jumped up and exclaimed: "Excellent! I've got a first-class match for you. My sister is a young divorcee, and she has a dowry of hundred silver rubles -- and she's here right now! If you're agreeable, we can shake hands on it."
Now in fact this good-for-nothing was in no way related to the young woman; she was the daughter of the wealthy innkeeper, who was not home at the time.
Meir answered coolly: "Fine, I agree."
The prankster ran into the kitchen, explained the joke to her and asked her to play her role, saying it would be excellent for the inn's business, as many celebratory drinks would certainly be ordered. She innocently agreed, and when she emerged into the main room, was greeted with loud cheers and applause.
The band of loiterers thereupon ordered vodka with which to treat the young chassid on the occasion of his unconventional engagement, and had a great time toasting l'chaim and offering him their blessings, all the while snickering behind his back. Then one of them came up with a further suggestion: "Why don't we arrange the marriage ceremony straight away? Then we can throw a really great party!"
One of his friends objected: "But none of our crowd knows how to draw up the marriage contract and run the ceremony."
Meir, overhearing them, promptly volunteered that he knew how to do both. This gave them even more cause for mirth. They took a clean tablecloth and held it up with four broomsticks over the heads of the couple as a chupah canopy. The chassid wrote out the ketubah document; and then he duly sanctified the giggling young lady as his lawful wedded wife according to the rites of Moses and Israel.
His companions now enjoyed their practical joke so much that they tugged at his hat from all sides, made fun of him without any restraint, and even started to slap him around a bit. Seeing how things were faring for him, the young man made his escape and spent the night in the cottage of one of the gentile villagers. In the morning he ventured as far as the door of the inn, but was afraid to enter lest he be beaten up again. Just at that moment he heard one of the servants saying: "Here comes the 'father of the bride' at the front door!"
The young man approached the innkeeper, and said, "How do you do, father-in-law!"
The innkeeper was somewhat taken aback: "Who is this? What is he talking about?" he asked.
His daughter, who had come out to greet him, explained: "This young man has been providing us with a little entertainment, and last night we had a engagement and marriage ceremonies, just for fun! You'll be pleased with how much extra food and liquor was sold."
Her father did not like the sound of what he heard, and plied her with questions in order to find out exactly what had taken place. When he heard her answers, he shouted furiously at Meir: "Dolt! What's the idea of marrying this young lady? Those idiots may not understand the implications of a ketubah and a wedding ceremony in front of witnesses, but if you are a chassid and a yeshivah student as you appear, you should certainly know better. Didn't you realize that they were making fun of you?"
And, to make his point clearer, he slapped the hapless young man across the face. Soon enough, however, he had second thoughts on the subject, and told himself: "Since I'm already tied up with this tramp, I'll have to speak to him politely in order to be able to get out of this mess. If I get angry, he'll take no notice of me."
He therefore changed his tone, asked the young man to give his daughter a bill of divorce, and promised him twenty silver rubles for his trouble. To his surprise, the visibly impoverished young man quickly refused. He raised his offer several times, but each time with the same lack of success.
"You might as well stop trying to buy me off," said Meir finally. "Let me tell you what is really going on. My Rebbe told me to agree to the first match that was proposed to me, and that's what I did. This crowd may have treated the whole matter as a joke, but I took it seriously. I accepted the offer according to the Rebbe's instructions, and I certainly will not withdraw from it without a specific order to do so from the Rebbe. If you don't agree to the match, let us go to the Rebbe together; let him decide."
The dismayed innkeeper realized he had no option but to travel to Mezeritch. When they arrived, he put his complaint to the Maggid: "One day, while I was away from home, along came this pauper, believed a band of jokers who told him my daughter was their sister, and accepted their proposal to marry her. Then they set up a wedding canopy, and he betrothed her in front of witnesses! I offered him some money to give her a get (bill of divorce), but he won't agree without your approval. I am now willing to offer him one hundred silver rubles, as long as he gives my daughter a divorce."
"I'll discuss the matter with the young man," said the Maggid.
When the innkeeper returned a few hours later, the Maggid told him: "I discussed the divorce with the young man, and he is agreeable -- provided that you give him a thousand silver rubles. But what about your daughter? Isn't it high time that she got married? Allow me to propose an excellent match I have in mind for her. I personally vouch that this young man is a learned and pious Jew, stems from a family of refined lineage, and is himself a man of outstanding character..."
"I shall gladly accept whomever recommend, Rabbi," said the innkeeper, who had the greatest respect for the famed Chassidic leader.
"The new bridegroom had only one fault," continued the Maggid. "He was a pauper, and his poverty made him look frail and unattractive. But now that, too, has been rectified. You see, he has just come into possession of a thousand silver rubles, which he will bring into the marriage. This way you will lose nothing at all by buying off the 'first husband'...".
"You see," concluded Rabbi DovBer, "there's no need for a divorce and another marriage. I assure you: it is a match made in heaven. May you both journey home with joyful hearts."
The innkeeper took the Rebbe's counsel to heart, went home happily with his son-in-law, and the newly wedded couple lived their life together in harmony.
"Go in peace," said the Rebbe. "Accept the first marriage proposition that is suggested to you."
On his way home the young man spent the night in a village inn, where he found a group of empty-headed loafers wasting their time in drinking and foolish jesting. Being cold from his journey, he found a seat in a corner next to the stove. He tried to be unobtrusive, but the mischief-makers spotted him, and asked him where he was from and what was his business. He gave them the name of his home town, and told them that he had just visited the Maggid of Mezritch.
"What did you want from the Rebbe, and what did he answer you?" they pried.
He told them: "I asked the Rebbe to pray that the Almighty arrange that I meet my destined marriage partner, and he told me that I should agree to the first match that was proposed to me."
At this, one of the party jumped up and exclaimed: "Excellent! I've got a first-class match for you. My sister is a young divorcee, and she has a dowry of hundred silver rubles -- and she's here right now! If you're agreeable, we can shake hands on it."
Now in fact this good-for-nothing was in no way related to the young woman; she was the daughter of the wealthy innkeeper, who was not home at the time.
Meir answered coolly: "Fine, I agree."
The prankster ran into the kitchen, explained the joke to her and asked her to play her role, saying it would be excellent for the inn's business, as many celebratory drinks would certainly be ordered. She innocently agreed, and when she emerged into the main room, was greeted with loud cheers and applause.
The band of loiterers thereupon ordered vodka with which to treat the young chassid on the occasion of his unconventional engagement, and had a great time toasting l'chaim and offering him their blessings, all the while snickering behind his back. Then one of them came up with a further suggestion: "Why don't we arrange the marriage ceremony straight away? Then we can throw a really great party!"
One of his friends objected: "But none of our crowd knows how to draw up the marriage contract and run the ceremony."
Meir, overhearing them, promptly volunteered that he knew how to do both. This gave them even more cause for mirth. They took a clean tablecloth and held it up with four broomsticks over the heads of the couple as a chupah canopy. The chassid wrote out the ketubah document; and then he duly sanctified the giggling young lady as his lawful wedded wife according to the rites of Moses and Israel.
His companions now enjoyed their practical joke so much that they tugged at his hat from all sides, made fun of him without any restraint, and even started to slap him around a bit. Seeing how things were faring for him, the young man made his escape and spent the night in the cottage of one of the gentile villagers. In the morning he ventured as far as the door of the inn, but was afraid to enter lest he be beaten up again. Just at that moment he heard one of the servants saying: "Here comes the 'father of the bride' at the front door!"
The young man approached the innkeeper, and said, "How do you do, father-in-law!"
The innkeeper was somewhat taken aback: "Who is this? What is he talking about?" he asked.
His daughter, who had come out to greet him, explained: "This young man has been providing us with a little entertainment, and last night we had a engagement and marriage ceremonies, just for fun! You'll be pleased with how much extra food and liquor was sold."
Her father did not like the sound of what he heard, and plied her with questions in order to find out exactly what had taken place. When he heard her answers, he shouted furiously at Meir: "Dolt! What's the idea of marrying this young lady? Those idiots may not understand the implications of a ketubah and a wedding ceremony in front of witnesses, but if you are a chassid and a yeshivah student as you appear, you should certainly know better. Didn't you realize that they were making fun of you?"
And, to make his point clearer, he slapped the hapless young man across the face. Soon enough, however, he had second thoughts on the subject, and told himself: "Since I'm already tied up with this tramp, I'll have to speak to him politely in order to be able to get out of this mess. If I get angry, he'll take no notice of me."
He therefore changed his tone, asked the young man to give his daughter a bill of divorce, and promised him twenty silver rubles for his trouble. To his surprise, the visibly impoverished young man quickly refused. He raised his offer several times, but each time with the same lack of success.
"You might as well stop trying to buy me off," said Meir finally. "Let me tell you what is really going on. My Rebbe told me to agree to the first match that was proposed to me, and that's what I did. This crowd may have treated the whole matter as a joke, but I took it seriously. I accepted the offer according to the Rebbe's instructions, and I certainly will not withdraw from it without a specific order to do so from the Rebbe. If you don't agree to the match, let us go to the Rebbe together; let him decide."
The dismayed innkeeper realized he had no option but to travel to Mezeritch. When they arrived, he put his complaint to the Maggid: "One day, while I was away from home, along came this pauper, believed a band of jokers who told him my daughter was their sister, and accepted their proposal to marry her. Then they set up a wedding canopy, and he betrothed her in front of witnesses! I offered him some money to give her a get (bill of divorce), but he won't agree without your approval. I am now willing to offer him one hundred silver rubles, as long as he gives my daughter a divorce."
"I'll discuss the matter with the young man," said the Maggid.
When the innkeeper returned a few hours later, the Maggid told him: "I discussed the divorce with the young man, and he is agreeable -- provided that you give him a thousand silver rubles. But what about your daughter? Isn't it high time that she got married? Allow me to propose an excellent match I have in mind for her. I personally vouch that this young man is a learned and pious Jew, stems from a family of refined lineage, and is himself a man of outstanding character..."
"I shall gladly accept whomever recommend, Rabbi," said the innkeeper, who had the greatest respect for the famed Chassidic leader.
"The new bridegroom had only one fault," continued the Maggid. "He was a pauper, and his poverty made him look frail and unattractive. But now that, too, has been rectified. You see, he has just come into possession of a thousand silver rubles, which he will bring into the marriage. This way you will lose nothing at all by buying off the 'first husband'...".
"You see," concluded Rabbi DovBer, "there's no need for a divorce and another marriage. I assure you: it is a match made in heaven. May you both journey home with joyful hearts."
The innkeeper took the Rebbe's counsel to heart, went home happily with his son-in-law, and the newly wedded couple lived their life together in harmony.
Adapted by Yrachmiel Tilles from A Treasury of
Chassidic Tales (Artscroll) and other written and oral
sources. Another version of this story cites Rabbi Moshe Tsvi of Sevran as the
Rebbe, identifies the innkeeper as Mr. Tsvi Velbka, and reports the wedding as
taking place on Lag B'Omer night.
Biographical note: Rabbi Dov Ber, (d. 1772),
known as "the Maggid of Mezritch," succeeded his master, the Rabbi Israel Baal
Shem Tov, as the head of the Chassidic movement. Many of the leading
chassidic dynasties stem from his disciples (Lubavitch, Chernobyl,
Karlin et al), students of his disciples (Gur, Sanz, Belz, etc),
and his descendents (Rhizhin, Sadigor, Tchortkov, etc). The classic
anthologies of his teachings are Likutei Amarim and Torah
Ohr (published by Kehot as Maggid Devorav l'Yaakov), and
Ohr HaEmmes.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Homemade Body Lotion!
"No chemicals, no drying alcohol, nothing but healthy oils to give you smooth silky skin."
Seven Natural Homemade Substitues for Conventional Beauty Products
" Outer beauty is at least partially a reflection of inner health and a
healthy, well-nourished body will shine with great skin, silky hair and
bright eyes. It seems ironic then, that most “beauty” products contain
chemicals that are so dangerous to the skin. Take for instance, Apricot
Scrub by St. Ives, my former beauty product of choice. I checked it out
on The Cosmetics Database and found that it ranks 9 out of 10 for containing hazardous chemicals… and it is marketed as being natural!!!
Fortunately, there are natural alternatives to conventional beauty products that work great. A healthy diet and good exercise plan also go a long way! These natural alternatives are also less expensive in most cases, and work so well, I’m never going back.
Natural Substitutes for Deodorant and Antiperspirant
Antiperspirant and deodorant products are some of the worst offenders when it comes to beauty products. There have been recent reports of links between these products and much higher rates of breast cancer, and doctors report that those who get breast cancer are most likely to get a tumor in the area closest to the armpit. Antiperspirants, by sealing in moisture are the worst. besides putting aluminum in your body, they prevent perspiration, which is the body’s natural way to eliminate toxins.Natural Alternatives: Baking soda by itself is actually an incredibly effective natural deodorant, though it can be messy if you are wearing a dark color. Mixing baking soda with equal part coconut oil is a cleaner option and since coconut oil is naturally antibacterial and anti fungal, it is great at preventing odor. You can also buy natural alternatives, but look out for any containing aluminum of any kind, and check yours in the cosmetic database before buying. A post about my homemade essential oil shea butter deodorant coming soon.
Natural Substitutes for Lotion
Lotion is another top offender for beauty products. The skin is the biggest organ in the body, and many chemicals can be absorbed by the skin and stored in fat tissue. This is especially a concern for pregnant women, as these chemicals can be passed to a baby though the placenta.Natural Substitutes: The best natural lotion I have found so far is just pure organic Coconut Oil. It is able to penetrate the skin and the medium chain fatty acids help with wrinkles, dry skin, and other skin problems and since it is naturally antibacterial, it won’t cause breakouts. There are also countless ways to combine coconut oil with other oils, butters, essential oils and herbs to create solutions for your specific skin. (recipes to come!)
Natural Substitutes for Toothpaste
Almost all conventional toothpastes contain fluoride, which have been linked to thyroid disease and cancer. Most also have sugar, which seems counter-intuitive for a product designed to prevent cavities. Fortunately, companies are catching on to consumers being more aware of this, and are finally presenting fluoride free natural options. At our house, we opt for a natural alternative that is easy to make and inexpensive (and keeps us from getting cavities)Natural Alternatives: Mix baking soda and peppermint liquid castille soap to make a thick paste. Squeeze or scoop onto toothbrush and brush as normal. This has a slightly salty minty taste and also a natural whitening effect. Some people use pure baking soda, which works great, but is a little bitter/salty for me.
Natural Substitutes for Facial Toner
Though toners don’t contain as high of levels as other beauty products (typically), I wanted to include this one because there is a natural option that outperforms conventional products by far and makes people look a lot younger.Natural Substitute: Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother rubbed on freshly clean face. The vinegar scent fades as soon as it dries, and a few drops of essential oil in a few ounces of apple cider vinegar really helps the smell. Apple cider vinegar tightens, brightens and freshens the skin and percents dry skin and breakouts. It is also great to have on hand for heartburn, yeast overgrowth and other common complaints.
Natural Substitutes for Mascara Remover
I must admit, I was always leery of mascara remover, because it seemed dangerous to put something like that close to my eyes. Sorry to say, this kept me from using anything to remove my eye makeup for years. I would sleep with it, and use dry tissues to wipe off the racoon eyes the next morning. I do NOT recommend this! It gave me early wrinkles (fixed by apple cider vinegar and coconut oil) and lighter pigment around my eyes. I finally found a good solution, and my skin has never felt healthier:Natural Alternatives: Olive oil and/or coconut oil are great at removing mascara and eye makeup, even waterproof. As an added benefit, they moisturize the eyes and help remove or prevent wrinkles.
Natural Substitutes for Hair Spray
Another product that makes the top ten list of dangerous products, hair sprays (especially aerosol) put chemicals into the air and consequently into your lungs and skin. Most contain substances that have been linked to cancer or disease and they can, after time, cause chemical sensitivities. Willing to try some natural options?Natural Substitutes: Many people swear by juicing a lemon and mixing with a couple cups of water in a spray bottle. It works, but has to be stored in the fridge. I prefer mixing a cup of boiling water with 1-4 teaspoons of sugar (depending on the level of hold you want). Stir and let sugar dissolve completely and pour into a fine mister bottle. This will hold hair and make it shine. For difficult hair, let first application dry and apply another application.
For the natural beach waves look, make the above recipe with salt instead. This will give a flexible hold without being dull at all. Supposedly, top stylists are turning to sea salt products lately too.
Natural Substitutes for Teeth Whiteners
Most teeth whiteners contain high levels of peroxide and other chemicals. While these aren’t a necessary beauty product, white teeth make you look younger and healthier. The best treatment is a healthy diet, but some natural options can help speed up the teeth whitening process.Natural Substitutions: Save the money on expensive commercial whitening and avoid the dangerous chemicals by using pure baking soda on a toothbrush. Brush lightly in small circles for five minutes before regular brushing once to twice a week. Alternatively, rub fresh strawberries on the gums or mix mashed strawberries and baking soda and wear in mouth tray for 30 minutes once a week. I was shocked to find that both of these actually work and make your teeth feel great (no chemical aftertaste or lingering sensitivity).
To sum all that up: you basically need coconut oil, baking soda and apple cider vinegar. These three products do wonders as natural beauty products and are also used in natural cooking and cleaning recipes. They truly are so healthy you could (and should) eat them. Got any better ones? please tell me about them below! "
Chocolate Chip Strawberry Bread
1 cup fresh strawberries, sliced into small pieces
1 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
3/4 cup white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 9″ x 5″ loaf pan.
2. Combine flour, sugar, cinnamon, salt and baking soda in large bowl and mix well.
3. Beat the eggs into the oil, then add the strawberries and mix well.
4. Add strawberry mixture to flour mixture, add chocolate chips, mix together until the batter is even.
5. Pour the mixture into the loaf pan. Bake for 40-45 minutes, until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
6. Cut the loaf into 1/2″ slices, serve and enjoy!
3/4 cup white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 9″ x 5″ loaf pan.
2. Combine flour, sugar, cinnamon, salt and baking soda in large bowl and mix well.
3. Beat the eggs into the oil, then add the strawberries and mix well.
4. Add strawberry mixture to flour mixture, add chocolate chips, mix together until the batter is even.
5. Pour the mixture into the loaf pan. Bake for 40-45 minutes, until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
6. Cut the loaf into 1/2″ slices, serve and enjoy!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Yahshua Mashiaj, Kohen Hagadol
"And indeed, those that became priests were many, because they were prevented by death from continuing, but He, because He remains forever, has an unchangeable priesthood. Therefore He is also able to save completely those who draw near to Elohim through Him, ever living to make intercession for them. For it was fitting that we should have such a High Priest – kind, innocent, undefiled, having been separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens,
who does not need, as those high priests, to offer up slaughter offerings day by day, first for His own sins and then for those of the people, for this He did once for all when He offered up Himself. For the Torah appoints as high priests men who have weakness, but the word of the oath which came after the Torah, appoints the Son having been perfected forever. "
Hebrews 7:23-28
" But now He has obtained a more excellent service, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was constituted on better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second. For finding fault with them, He says,
“See, the days are coming,” says יהוה, “when I shall conclude with the house of Yisra’ĕl and with the house of Yehuḏah a renewed covenant, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Mitsrayim, because they did not continue in My covenant, and I disregarded them,” says יהוה. “Because this is the covenant that I shall make with the house of Yisra’ĕl after those days, says יהוה, giving My laws in their mind, and I shall write them on their hearts, and I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people. “And they shall by no means teach each one his neighbour, and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know יהוה,’ because they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. “Because I shall forgive their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawlessnesses I shall no longer remember.”
By saying, ‘renewed,’ He has made the first old. Now what becomes old and growing aged is near disappearing."
Hebrews 8: 6-13
By saying, ‘renewed,’ He has made the first old. Now what becomes old and growing aged is near disappearing."
Chemicals In Our Food
"This is a cover, soft kill operation. Do your research and know that one of the dangerous places in the world is your groceries store and the tap water in your house."
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Top 10 Reasons why shouldn't you watch TV
"1. Watching TV Wastes Time
5.1 hrs wasted away, every day
Nielsen research showed the average American watched an average of 5.1 hours per day,
or 153 hours of TV a month (Q1 of 2009). That’s 1/3 of the time we are
awake! This figure is increasing too, quarter by quarter. 5.1 hrs/day
is nearly 2,000 hours a year, or 78 days – 2.5 full months. Even though these figures reflect the American population, the figures for other regions probably don’t deviate much.
With all this time spent watching TV,
it’s a wonder how we even have time to do anything else. Just imagine if
we spend a fraction of this time working on our goals – we’d already be
making so much headway by now.
2. TV Slows Down Your Brain Activity
When you watch TV, brain activity switches from the left to the right hemisphere. In fact, experiments conducted by researcher Herbert Krugman showed that while viewers are watching television, the right hemisphere is twice as active as the left, a neurological anomaly. The crossover from left to right releases a surge of the body’s natural opiates: endorphins. Endorphins are structurally identical to opium and its derivatives (morphine, codeine, heroin, etc.). Activities that release endorphins (also called opioid peptides) are usually habit-forming (we rarely call them addictive).Indeed, even casual television viewers experience such opiate-withdrawal symptoms if they stop watching TV for a prolonged period of time. An article from South Africa’s Eastern Province Herald (October 1975) described two experiments in which people from various socio-economic milieus were asked to stop watching television. In one experiment, several families volunteered to turn off their TV’s for just one month. The poorest family gave in after one week, and the others suffered from depression, saying they felt as though they had “lost a friend.” In the other experiment, 182 West Germans agreed to kick their television viewing habit for a year, with the added bonus of payment. None could resist the urge longer than six months, and over time all of the participants showed the symptoms of opiate-withdrawal: increased anxiety, frustration, and depression.
That’s why people who watch TV have
trouble quitting, because they are addicted. If we want to be conscious
people living conscious lives, it’s time to break out of the TV
3. Most TV Content Today Is Consciousness-Lowering
The average TV show today is
consciousness lowering, resonating in the levels of fear, guilt, grief,
desire and pride. This differs across TV networks of course – some
channels have better content than others. My comments are in reference
to mainstream channels/show.
Some examples of shows that are more consciousness lowering than consciousness raising:
- Fear Factor, a reality TV where people are dared into doing fearsome stunts for a sum of prize money. You see people getting scared, terrified, forcing themselves through the stunts for the prize money. I’ve only watched an episode where participants are asked to eat a pie of worms, and I can’t say it’s inspiring stuff. I hear about other episodes from friends and they didn’t seem to be done in good taste either.
- Extreme Makeover, a plastic surgery reality show that does “extreme makeovers” for participants. Participants are people who are unhappy because of their looks. They are given extreme make overs that include surgery, after which they are showed as happy and confident. It somehow drives an underlying message to use surgery as a solution for low self-esteem.
- Joe Millionaire, a Bachelor-like show based on a ruse. Contestants compete to win the heart of a guy (Joe), thinking he is a millionaire when he’s not. Throughout the show, he lives on a facade of wealth and luxury and the contestants are led on to believe so, up until the finale where the truth is revealed and the final contestant has to deal with the revelation. I don’t see the point behind the ruse. It seemed more of a stage antic to draw viewers without any meaningful intent behind it at all.
Here’s one way you can use to see if
something is consciousness raising. Get a sense of how you are feeling
first before watching the show. Then as you are watching the show, take
a moment to assess how you feel.
- How are you feeling? Happy? Joyful? Upbeat? Motivated? Inspired? Or scared? Worried? Annoyed? Disgusted? Angsty? Weighed down? Stressed?
- What are you thinking? Positive thoughts? Or negative thoughts?
- What do you feel like doing? Do you feel charged up to take action? Make a positive difference? Or do you feel nothing? Lazy? Just want to go and sleep things away?
If it’s the former group, then the
content has consciousness-raising effect; if it’s the latter then you
can probably do better without it.
4. Lack of Quality Shows
By quality, I’m not referring to
production quality. There is no dispute that production quality today
is higher than ever. Quality refers to the content of the show.
The Message Driven in Shows
Today, there is hardly any show with
that level of impact. There is the occasional good show here and there,
but none that has that kind of definitive message. They seem more like
good drama and entertainment than anything else. For example, earlier
seasons of Charmed would have a “message of the day” embedded in each
episode, which gave the viewer something to think about afterward.
However, in the later seasons, this became replaced by repetitive
dialogue and rehashed plot lines. It was just empty entertainment after
a while. I watch, I laugh, but I’m not sure if I learn or pick up
anything at the end of the day.
Overdone Content
There’s too much of the same stuff
nowadays, and lesser genuine, informative content. Looking at the local
TV programme schedule, it consists of the usual few travelogue/food
tasting shows, variety shows on slimming/shopping/fashion/etc, 2-3
ongoing singing/talent competitions (alternating between American Idol
and local English/Chinese/Malay singing competitions), reality shows of
some sort, and dramas with cookie cutter plots. It’s much faster for
me to get information I want from Internet than to wait for TV networks
to churn out something meaningful.
The genre of reality TV was interesting
when it first started, but after some point it became over done. After a
while it seemed like network producers were just doing one reality
show after the next, creating different spin offs which barely last.
I’ve lost count of the number of singing competitions and sequels in
Singapore. There is merit for a singing competition, but after a while
it seems more like the TV producers are more interested in having
successful talent shows than discovering talent.
TV networks are getting
overcommercialized. There are more sponsorships and product/service
placements in shows than before, more than half of which aren’t related
to the show themselves (American Idol, as an example). Back when I was
watching American Idol (season 4 or 5), it was strange seeing the
finalists sing and dance to a Ford music video every week. There was a
total of 4,151 product placements
in its first 38 episodes during season 7. I’m okay with commercial
advertising, but only where it is relevant and beneficial to the
consumer. Most product placements today seem force-fitted. It’s as if
the network producers prioritize commercial needs over viewer needs. I
believe it’s possible to integrate both together, but producers have not
found the sweet spot yet.
In the context of Singapore TV, there
have been numerous local variety shows commissioned by sponsors (for
example, a beer company, another of a beauty company), and these shows
seem to be more advertising outlets for the companies than genuinely
5. TV is Linked With Lower Life Satisfaction
Research has showed that heavy viewers of TV report lower life satisfaction and higher anxiety [Source].
Many of us watch TV, specifically drama
serials, because we want to see the stories unfold for the characters.
What’s going to happen to X? What Y get the outcome he/she deserves?
Will A and B get together? What will the ending be? It’s all very
exciting, and the cliff hangers keep us yearning for more. Then for the
whole week, we wait excitedly for the next episode to see what
I realized many of us watch TV because
we see ourselves in the characters. That’s why TV network producers
study viewer demographics and produce shows in line with our needs, so
we can relate to the characters. We see the characters living life,
going through tumultous challenges, overcoming them and finally
achieving what they want. We feel happy for them when they get their
happy ending. But what we really want is the same happy ending for
No matter how many shows we watch and how
the characters develop through X episodes, watching TV isn’t going to
give us the life we want. To get the life we want, we need to get out
there, take action and create results for ourselves, not live
vicariously through TV reels. The happy outcome is ours for the taking,
if we start working towards it now.
6. Pointless Advertisements
Watching advertisements is one of the
worst ways to use our time. A regular 1 hour segment is made up of 40
minutes actual content and 20 minutes advert. That’s 1-third of TV
viewing time, which is a lot. The ads are either a trailer for an
upcoming TV show, an advertisement for a product/service or an
informercial. The adverts are rarely ever relevant – usually we buy the
products because we see the ads, not because we need the products.
Many times it’s just an ad to scare us into buying something. This is
linked to the next point, which is…
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Animal compassion. What should be done?
Here are some examples of the Hebrew legislation regarding the ethical treatment of animals:
- It is prohibited to cause pain to animals - tzaar ba’alei chaim. (Exodus 23:5)
- One is obligated to relieve an animal’s suffering (i.e. unburden it), even if it belongs to your enemy. (Exodus 23:5)
- If an animal depends on you for sustenance, it is forbidden to eat anything until feeding the animal first. (Deut. 11:15)
- We are commanded to grant our animals a day of rest on Shabbat. (Exodus 20:10)
- It is forbidden to use two different species to pull the same plow, since this is unfair to the weaker animal. (Deut. 22:10)
- It is a mitzvah to send away a mother bird before taking her young. (Deut. 22:7)
- It is forbidden to kill a cow and her calf on the same day. (Leviticus 22:28)
- It is prohibited to sever and eat a limb off a live animal. (Genesis 9:4; this is one of the “Noachide” laws that apply to Jews and non-Jews alike.)
- Shechita (ritual slaughter) must be done with a minimum of pain to the animal. The blade must be meticulously examined to assure the most painless form of death possible. (“Chinuch” 451; “Pri Megadim” - Introduction to Shechita Laws).
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Psalm 150
"Praise Elohim in his sanctuary"
"Praise him in the firmament of his power."
"Praise him for his mighty acts"
"Praise him according to his excellent greatness."
"Praise him with the sound of the trumpet"
"Praise him with the psaltery and harp."
"Praise him with the timbrel and dance"
"Praise him with stringed instruments and organs."
"Praise him upon the loud cymbals"
"Praise him upon the high sounding cymbals."
"Let every thing that hath breath praise YAH.
Praise ye YAH."
Psalm 130
"Out of the depths I cry to you, YHWH; Adon, hear my voice.
Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.
Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.
If you, YHWH, kept a record of sins, Adon, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you.
But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you.
I wait for YHWH, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.
I wait for the Adon more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning.
I wait for the Adon more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning.
Israel, put your hope in the YHWH, for with YHWH is unfailing love
and with him is full redemption. He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins."
and with him is full redemption. He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins."
Friday, March 16, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
"Spring is a State of Mind"
"When you woke up this morning, what was your frame of mind? Was today simply the day after yesterday, and just a prelude to tomorrow? Or was this morning the beginning of a new chapter, the first page in a book called "The Rest of My Life"?
Sometimes we can feel trapped in the flow of time, chained to our past and unable to change our future. We feel imprisoned by our circumstances.
On the other hand, it's great to have a fresh start. It's exhilarating to feel unencumbered by history and to have a clean slate. It makes us feel energized and alive, with a broad field of opportunities to explore.
Every day, I can have that attitude. Every day, I need to believe that I can change my behavioral patterns and better my future.
Think of it in seasonal terms. The winter months seem to have nature in a frozen holding pattern. Nothing blooms, nothing blossoms. Some creatures even enter into hibernation. Winter is the sound of silence.
Enter spring. Shaking off its lethargy, the world regains its pulse and begins to show vitality. With the birds chirping, the bees buzzing and spring's upbeat scent, there's a can-do sense of rejuvenation.
Taking this to my own life, my psycho-spiritual "winter" is where I'm frozen in my status quo. I'm enslaved to my habits, and it seems that a new me can never blossom.
With my internal spring, a new me can begin to blossom. Right now. I can change the steps of my dance, and pursue endless possibilities for true growth. The future is bright.
Which brings us to Passover. This spring holiday celebrates our internal sense of freedom. Real, personal freedom.
Passover isn't only about the freedom from our Egyptian masters. It's about liberation from our internal Egypt, which still holds us hostage. On Passover, we thank G‑d for the ability to find true inner freedom; the freedom to reach our potential.
Passover teaches me not to wait for the vernal equinox; every morning can be my individual spring. Every morning needs to be my personal Exodus from my weaker self.
This year, live the Passover holiday. Live it consciously, so that the message lives all year round."
By Mendy Herson
Sometimes we can feel trapped in the flow of time, chained to our past and unable to change our future. We feel imprisoned by our circumstances.
On the other hand, it's great to have a fresh start. It's exhilarating to feel unencumbered by history and to have a clean slate. It makes us feel energized and alive, with a broad field of opportunities to explore.
Every day, I can have that attitude. Every day, I need to believe that I can change my behavioral patterns and better my future.
Think of it in seasonal terms. The winter months seem to have nature in a frozen holding pattern. Nothing blooms, nothing blossoms. Some creatures even enter into hibernation. Winter is the sound of silence.
Enter spring. Shaking off its lethargy, the world regains its pulse and begins to show vitality. With the birds chirping, the bees buzzing and spring's upbeat scent, there's a can-do sense of rejuvenation.
Taking this to my own life, my psycho-spiritual "winter" is where I'm frozen in my status quo. I'm enslaved to my habits, and it seems that a new me can never blossom.
With my internal spring, a new me can begin to blossom. Right now. I can change the steps of my dance, and pursue endless possibilities for true growth. The future is bright.
Which brings us to Passover. This spring holiday celebrates our internal sense of freedom. Real, personal freedom.
Passover isn't only about the freedom from our Egyptian masters. It's about liberation from our internal Egypt, which still holds us hostage. On Passover, we thank G‑d for the ability to find true inner freedom; the freedom to reach our potential.
Passover teaches me not to wait for the vernal equinox; every morning can be my individual spring. Every morning needs to be my personal Exodus from my weaker self.
This year, live the Passover holiday. Live it consciously, so that the message lives all year round."
By Mendy Herson
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